
Articles Posted in Zoning and Land Use Law


Congress Limits Municipal Authority To Deny Modification of Telecommunications Facilities

Last week President Obama signed the ”Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012” which included provisions limiting municipal authority over modification of existing telecommunications facilities. The new provisions read as follows: SEC. 6409. WIRELESS FACILITIES DEPLOYMENT. (a) FACILITY MODIFICATIONS.- (1) IN GENERAL.-Notwithstanding section 704 of the Tele-…


Court Reverses Denial of Special Permit

The Appellate Division Fourth Department reversed the denial of a special permit when it found the denial to be based upon “generalized community objections.” In Matter of Young Development, Inc. v. Town of West Senaca, the Court held: “Contrary to respondents’ contention, petitioners established that the sewer system of respondent…


Court Holds Change of Comprehensive Plan to Permit Rezoning of One Parcel Was Not Spot Zoning

The Appellate Division held that despite the fact that a parcel had been zoned for industrial use for fifty years, and that the Town’s comprehensive plan designated the parcel for industrial use, a rezoning and change of the comprehensive plan to residential use of the parcel was a proper exercise…


Failure to Challenge Zoning Board Action Within Thirty Days of Filing Minutes Ruled Fatal

The Appellate Division held that the filing of a zoning board’s minutes, rather than the subsequent filing of the zoning board’s formal decision, commenced the running of thirty day statue of limitations for challenging that decision. In Matter of 92 MM Motel, Inc. v. Zoning Board of Appeals of the…


Special Permit Improperly Denied Based Upon Generalized Community Objections

The Appellate Division, Third Department, reversed the denial of a special permit for 48 affordable apartment units as being based solely on generalized community objections and unsupported by empirical evidence. In Matter of Kinderhook Development, LLC v. City of Gloversville Planning Board the Court found that, after the planning board…


Second Circuit Holds Zoning Provision Unconstitutionally Vague

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals held a local zoning provision, relating to the measurement of the height of a building, to be unconstitutionally vague and remanded the matter for consideration of the Plaintiff’s substantive due process claim. In Cunney v. Bd. of Trustees of the Village of Grand View,…