
Articles Posted in Zoning and Land Use Law


Court Allows Some Causes of Action Under 42 USC 1983 to Stand Against the Village of Suffern

The Appellate Division Second Department decided a complex appeal involving cross motions on whether a property owner had sufficiently stated causes of action sounding in violations of constitutional rights under 42 USC 1983 and related causes of action resulting from the denial of a certificate of use. In the case…


Appellate Court Discounts Procedural Missteps by Planning Board in Granting Site Plan Approval

In a case involving a challenge to site plan approval for a Wal-Mart, the Appellate Division Fourth Department found a number of challenges to procedural/technical oversights by the planning board to be insufficient to cause the court to overturn the approval. In Matter of Residents Against Wal-Mart v. Planning Board…


Denial of A Permit Cannot Be Based Upon Community Pressure Rather Than Expert Opinion

A court reversed the denial of a wetlands permit based upon the conclusion that the Town Board “succumbed to community pressure.” In Matter of Moy v. Board of Trustees of Town of Southhold, the Appellate Division, Second Department, found the Town Board relied upon various reports and recommendations which were…


Acquiescence to Nonconforming Use Does not Render It Legal

The Appellate Division Second Department upheld the determination of a zoning board finding that maintaining a “hospice” for terminally ill animals in a home over a period of years was neither a customary accessory use nor a legal non-conforming use. In Matter of Marino v. Town of Smithtown, the court…


Vacancy Rate Is An Appropriate Criteria In Determining To Issue A Use Variance

In Matter of O’Connell Machinery Co., Inc v. City of Buffalo Zoning Board of Appeals, the court affirmed the granting of a use variance based upon the high vacancy rate of the property. The Appellate Division Fourth Department found that the property zoned light industrial was properly granted a variance…